William Pint & Felicia Dale

Celebrating the ocean in song


Sugar in the Hold
traditional arranged by Pint and Dale

Well, I wish I was in Mobile Bay
Screwing cotton all the day
But I'm stowin' sugar in the hold below
Below, below, below

Hey ho below below
Stowin' sugar in the hold below
Hey ho below below
Stowin' sugar in the hold below

The J.M. White is a new boat
Stem to stern she's mighty fine
Beat any boat on the Orleans Line
Stowin sugar in the hold below

Now the engineer shouts through his trumpet
Tells the mate he's got bad news
Can't get any steam for the fire in the flue
Stowin' sugar in the hold below

The Captain stands on the quarterdeck
Scratchin' way at his old neck
And he says "Now heave the larboard lead"
Stowin' sugar in the hold below

So, I wish I was in Mobile Bay
Screwing cotton all the day
But I'm stowin' sugar in the hold below
Below, below, below

The Tryphina's Extra Hand
C. Fox Smith

In the clipper ship Tryphina
Swingin' nor'ard from the line
With the trade wind blowin' steady
And her flyin' kites ashine
Five and sixty days from Angier
With her freight of Foochow teas
There a sailor man lay dyin'
And the words he spoke were these:

Many a year I've knowed this packet
And I've got to like her well
And I've not much hope of heaven
And I've not much use for hell
But if so be as they'll let me
By the great hookblock I swear
When the old
Tryphina wants me
Dead as livin' I'll be there

There'll be one more at the haliards
There'll be one more on the yard
Fistin' down them thundering courses
When they're frosted good and hard
One more tallyin' on the forebrace
When the waist's neck deep in foam
One more hand to sweat the tops'l's up
And sheet t'ga'ns'l's home

So just off the Western islands
When he smell't the land he died
And they laid a back the main y'rd
And they dropped him overside
Then they squared away for England
Pulley haulin' with a will
But for all they thought they'd left him
He sailed aboard her still

And the chaps as was his shipmates
Went the way as all chaps go
and the folks as was her owners
Sold the old ship long ago
But whoever owned or sold her
And whoever went or came
Tryphina's extra hand
He sailed aboard her just the same

And he never signed no articles
He never drawed no pay
He never scoffed no vittles
But by night as well as day
Though you'd never know his comin'
Nor you'd never see him go
He'd be always somewheres handy
When it's comin' on a blow

And he'd stand by wheel and lookout
And you'd kind of feel him near
Kind of see him and not see him
Kind of hear him and not hear
And the funny thing about it
Was you somehow couldn't swear
Though you knew it sure as shootin'
When the extra hand was there

And in port when all the chaps had gone
Ashore to take their ease
And left the ship as lonely
And as quiet as you please
Not a blessed soul aboard her
But the galley cat and you
Then you'd hear a sort of somethin'
More than once I've heard it too

Like a feller up aloft there
Putterin around amongst the gear
Seizing there another rat line
Putting on a mousing here
And rum-tumming old tunes over
Such as shell backs used to know
In the good old China tea trade
Many, many's the year ago

Haul on the Bowline

Haul on the bowline Kitty is me darlin'
Haul on the bowline, the bowline, haul

Haul on the bowline so early in the mornin'
Haul on the bowline, the bowline, haul

Haul on the bowline before the day is dawnin'
Haul on the bowline, the bowline, haul

Haul on the bowline the fore t'gallant bowline
Haul on the bowline, the bowline, haul

Haul on the bowline the wind she is a-howlin'
Haul on the bowline, the bowline, haul

Haul on the bowline the mate he is a-growlin'
Haul on the bowline, the bowline, haul

Haul on the bowline we'll either break or bend it
Haul on the bowline, the bowline, haul

Haul on the bowline we're men enough to mend it
Haul on the bowline, the bowline, haul

Haul on the bowline we'll haul away together
Haul on the bowline, the bowline, haul

Haul on the bowline we'll hang for better weather
Haul on the bowline, the bowline, haul

Haul on the bowline the bonnie, bonnie bowline
Haul on the bowline, the bowline, haul

Haul on the bowline up to the jaybird' altar
Haul on the bowline, the bowline, haul

prettiest girl I ever saw was cruisin' on the water
Haul on the bowline, the bowline, haul

I went down to New Orleans and got there on a Monday
Haul on the bowline, the bowline, haul

threw me in the callaboose for drinkin' rum on Sunday
Haul on the bowline, the bowline, haul

haul on the bowline, the bowline, the bowline
Haul on the bowline, the bowline, haul

The Sailboat Malarkey
traditional arranged by Pint and Dale

Tell me, what is this sailboat's name?
It's the sailboat Malarkey
Tell me, what is this sailboat's name?
It's the sailboat Malarkey

Who is the man that built this fine boat?
It's the sailboat Malarkey
Richardson, Richardson built this fine boat
It's the sailboat Malarkey

And now me boys, we are bound out to sea
It's the sailboat Malarkey
Windward Caroline come down to me
It's the sailboat Malarkey

Tell me, what is this sailboat's name?
It's the sailboat Malarkey
Tell me, what is this sailboat's name?
It's the sailboat Malarkey

She's lovely aloft and she's lovely below
It's the sailboat Malarkey
but best on her back as you very well know
It's the sailboat Malarkey

So lift her up boys and bring her down
It's the sailboat Malarkey
And hang on tight as she bounces around
It's the sailboat Malarkey

Tell me, what is this sailboat's name?
It's the sailboat Malarkey
Tell me, what is this sailboat's name?
It's the sailboat Malarkey

I'd give the world, and all that I know
It's the sailboat Malarkey
To turn and roll with my Lucy-oh
It's the sailboat Malarkey

Away away in St George's town
It's the sailboat Malarkey
the rats come batting the houses down
It's the sailboat Malarkey

Tell me, what is this sailboat's name?
It's the sailboat Malarkey
Tell me, what is this sailboat's name?
It's the sailboat Malarkey

Blue Peter
C.Fox Smith

Last night when I left her my true love was weeping
For sorrow at parting, but parting must be:
What use for her tears, and what use to be keeping
A lad by the fireside, that follows the sea?

For the cold day's a-breaking, the town hardly waking,
The moon like a ghost in the pale morning sky,
And the Blue Peter's blowing, to tell ye we're going,
and the gulls in the river all calling good-bye!

The last hawser's cast and the tug whistle's blowing,
The shore growing dim in the mist and the rain:
And wide, very wide, is the world where we're going
and long, very long, till ye see us again!

Farewell and adieu to ye - still we'll be true to ye,
Still we'll remember wherever we be,
Hope we'll be meeting ye, hope you will be greeting
Someday your sailor home from the sea!

All in the cold morning, all in the grey weather
On the sheds, and the shipping,the rain slating down,
All hands to the capstan bars, roaring together
A stave for farewell to the folk of the town:

Hong Kong and Vancouver, Callao and Suva,
The Cape and Kowloon, it's a very far cry
From the slow river creeping by houses all sleeping,
And the gulls in the wake of us calling good-bye!

Round the Corner

John Riley

Fair young maid all in the garden
Strange young man pass her by
Said, "Fair maid, will you marry me?"
This then sir was her reply

"Oh no, kind sir, I cannot marry,
For I've a love who sails the sea.
He's been gone for these seven years,
Still no man shall marry me."

"What if he's in battle slain?
Or drowned in the deep salt sea?
What if he's found another love,
And that they both married be?"

"If he's in some battle slain
I'll die when the moon doth wane
If he's drowned in the deep salt sea,
I'll be true to his memory."

"If he's found another love,
And if they both married be
Then I wish them happiness
In their home across the sea."

He picked her up all in his arms
Kisses gave her, one two three
"Weep no more, my own true love,
I'm your long lost John Riley."

Come Down to Hilo
traditional, arranged by Pint and Dale

Were you ever in Mobile bay
screwing cotton for a dollar a day?
Johnny come down To Hilo, poor old man
Johnny come down To Hilo, poor old man

Were you ever in Quebec
loading timber on a deck
Johnny come down To Hilo, poor old man
Johnny come down To Hilo, poor old man

Were you ever sailing round the horn?
you'd wish to God you never were born
Johnny come down To Hilo, poor old man
Johnny come down To Hilo, poor old man

that girl with the blue dress on
You know she talks about you all night long.
Johnny come down To Hilo, poor old man
Johnny come down To Hilo, poor old man

wake her oh, shake her
Oh wake that girl with the blue dress on
Johnny come down To Hilo, poor old man
Johnny come down To Hilo, poor old man

Hilo town is in Peru
It's just the place for me and you.
Johnny come down To Hilo, poor old man
Johnny come down To Hilo, poor old man

when you come to hilo town
I'll stand you whiskies all around
Johnny come down To Hilo, poor old man
Johnny come down To Hilo, poor old man

wake her -- shake her
Oh wake that girl with the blue dress on
Johnny come down To Hilo, poor old man
Johnny come down To Hilo, poor old man
Johnny come down To Hilo
Johnny come down To Hilo
Poor old man
Poor old man
Johnny come down To Hilo, poor old man

traditional, arranged by Pint & Dale

Marguerite se promene, le long de son jardin
Le long de son jardin sur le bord de l'ile
Le long de son jardin sur le bord de l'eau
Sur le bord du vaisseau

Elle apercoit une barque, de bien trente matelots
De bien trente matelot sur le bord de l'ile
De bien trente matelot sur le bord de l'eau
Sur le bord du vaisseau

Le plus jeune des trente Chantait-t-une chanson
Chantait-t-une chanson sur le bord de l'ile
Chantait-t-une chanson sur le bord de l'eau
Sur le bord du vaisseau

La chanson que tu chan-tes j'aimerais bien la savoir
J'aimerais bien la savoir sur le bord de l'ile
J'aimerais bien la savoir sur le bord de l'eau
Sur le bord du vaisseau

Embarquez dans ma barque, je vous l'apprendrerai
Je vous l'apprendrerai sur le bord de l'ile
Je vous l'apprendrerai sur le bord de l'eau
Sur le bord du vaisseau

Quand elle fut dans la barque elle s'y mit a pleurer
Ell s'y mit a pleurer sur le bord de l'ile
Ell s'y mit a pleurer sur le bord de l'eau
Sur le bord du vaisseau

N'y pleurez pas, ma belle, c'est de l'argent prete
C'est de largent prete sur le bord de l'ile
C'est de largent prete sur le bord de l'eau
Sur le bord du vaisseau
Sur le bord du vaisseau

Round the Corner Sally
traditional arranged by Pint & Dale

Round the corner we must go
Round the corner Sally
Round the corner in the ice and snow
Round the corner Sally
Round the corner we will fly
Round the corner Sally
Round the corner by 'n' by
Round the corner Sally

Sally brown she's the gal for me
She's waitin there by the mango tree
She loves me deep she loves me long
She loves me hot she loves me strong
Round the corner Sally

Round the corner we must go
Round the corner Sally
Round the corner in the ice and snow
Round the corner Sally
Round the corner we will fly
Round the corner Sally
Round the corner by 'n' by
Round the corner Sally

Wish I had that gal in tow
I'd tow her up to Cally O
Where every man has a flowin' bowl
That Sally she's a cheery soul
Round the corner Sally

Round the corner we must go
Round the corner Sally
Round the corner in the ice and snow
Round the corner Sally
Round the corner we will fly
Round the corner Sally
Round the corner by 'n' by
Round the corner Sally

I thought I heard the old man say
Just one more pull and then belay

Just one more pull and that will do
For we're the lads to kick 'er through

So round er up and stretch her luff
I think by god we've hauled enough
Round the corner Sally

The Beaches of Lukannon
Rudyard Kipling

I met my mates in the morning, and lo, that I am old
The roaring of the ledges, the summer groundswell roll
I heard them lift their chorus to drown the breaker's song
The beaches of Lukannon, two million voices strong.

Song of pleasant stations, beside the salt lagoon,
Song of flow in squadrons that shuffle down the dune.
Song of midnight dances that churn the seas to flame,
The beaches of Lukannon, before the sealers came.

I meet my mates in the morning, I'll never meet them more,
We came and went in legions and darkened all the shore,
Among the foam-flecked offing, as far as voice could reach,
We hailed the landing parties, we sang them up the beach.

The beaches of Lukannon, the winter wheat so tall,
Dripping, crinkled lichen, the sea fog drenching all,
The porches of our playground, all shining smooth and worn,
The beaches of Lukannon, the home where we were born.

I meet my mates in the morning, a broken scattered band,
Men shoot us in the water, men club us on the sand,
They send us to the salt house, like silly sheep and tame,
Still, we sing, "Lukannon! before the sealers came!"

Wheel down, wheel down to southard, oh guvaruska, go,
And tell the salt sea viceroy the story of our woe,
For like the empty shark's egg the tempests fling to shore,
The beaches of Lukannon will know their sons no more.